5 Apps to Help Save You Time in Your Creative Business

If you’re anything like me and dread having to spend so much valuable time each day posting to social media and marketing your business, I have some serious time-saving tips for you this week!

As most of us already realise in our creative businesses, our content and creations are around 20% or less of what we do on a daily basis, the other 80% is switching to a business mindset, scheduling and marketing.

In previous years I’ve gradually picked up on certain tools and apps that have really made my business and life easier to manage. The larger our businesses get, the less time we generally have. So finding useful tools that can help streamline our marketing and business workflow is truly a great feeling.

This week I’m going to discuss 5 different apps that I personally use to help streamline and schedule my social media posting and other business activities.

DISCLAIMER: Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase from any of the affiliate websites I may earn a small commission. It helps to support my blog at no extra cost to you.

1. Planoly

I’m a huge fan of Planoly and have been using it to schedule my Instagram posts for years now.
Planoly offers a free plan and allows up to 30 posts a month, you can also schedule stories to auto-post via the paid plans.

I particularly love Planoly because it’s got a clear and simple interface and it allows you to move images around in your feed to see how they look in different configurations. I also prefer it as there is the option to auto-post along with scheduling your images.

Planoly for me has essentially converted so much wasted time on daily posting to Instagram, into a single scheduling session per month. I now have all my content organised and scheduled for 30 days, incredible!

2. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is another app that I love to use, particularly for Facebook and Twitter scheduling. It’s also another simple platform to reply to my YouTube comments, and actually allows me to do so with all three platforms, (Twitter, Facebook & YT) in the one app.

Admittedly Facebook and Twitter are two platforms I’m finding myself using less of these days, however it’s still such an efficient platform for scheduling and viewing your streams in one easy to access place.

3. Milanote

Milanote is an app that I’ve discussed previously on my YouTube channel and this program in particular is great for Photographers and creatives.

Think of Milanote as a comprehensive mood board creator, it allows you to neatly create and organise boards and inspiration hubs all in the one place.

It’s also very easy to export the mood boards you create, or even invite creative team members to join.
With many templates available for a lot of different types of industries, it really is hard to look past an app such as Milanote.

4. Trello

Oh Trello, what did I ever do without you?

Trello is hands down one of my favourite apps EVER. It is an incredibly helpful platform for organising your life and business.
Similar to Milanote in the way that “boards” are created, you can produce to-do-lists, weekly planners, schedules and basically anything to help you and your business stay organised.

I personally use Trello for my main monthly focus lists and weekly planning and I especially love it for desktop use.

5. Tailwind

Tailwind is admittedly maybe not something everyone has heard of before. However, if you use Pinterest religiously, (like myself,) Tailwind offers a simple and effective way to schedule your pins.

This is especially helpful for if, as a creative, you may have a blog or use Pinterest for other areas of your business.
Pinterest generally requires high-volume posting so you can really reap the benefits of the algorithm and market yourself accordingly. Tailwind provides the perfect platform to do so.

I hope these 5 apps will help to streamline your business and make life a lot easier. I believe as small business owners, we all need to find tools that will make aspects of our business a lot easier to manage, and in turn we can all have a better work/life balance.

Until next time! x


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