3 Reasons why Travel Can Make You a Better Photographer
Now as most of you may already know, I’m a travel addict. I love it.
I started travelling at a very young age, and never really stopped since then.
I’ve always found travelling overseas to have many incredible benefits, particularly when it comes to opening your eyes and seeing how other people live and work. I’ve also found that there are many benefits that come along with travelling relative to photographers.
So here are some of the top benefits I feel travelling has for photographers!
Travel Can be a Source of Inspiration and Change of Scenery
Travel for me has always been a source of inspiration. Whether it’s the ability to see and experience new things, or to witness new cultures or landscapes, travel seems to have a profound effect on photographers.
A change of scenery can also be a great way to gain fresh eyes for your work. Especially if you’ve been finding yourself in a creative rut, travel can help you think outside the box and help you to try and experience new things.
Opportunity to Meet New Creatives and Broaden Your Contact Base Overseas
For me, this has been an incredible fact of travelling as a photographer. I’ve been so lucky to meet some amazing creatives and fellow photographers overseas, and they’ve honestly been experiences that I’ll never forget.
I’ve photographed several shoots previously in New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, Sweden, Italy, the UK, Canada and the USA.
Through these countries I’ve expanded my contact base and met some of the kindest, most talented people along the way. It’s such a nice feeling to have contacts if you ever revisit a country, it almost makes it feel a little more like home!
See Overseas Trends and How Fashion Differs from Each Country
This is a slightly more important point than what people might actually realise. Trends are imperative to be aware of with fashion & commercial photography. You don’t necessarily have to jump aboard with every trend that comes along, but you do need to be following them and keeping up in your own way.
I’ve always found travelling really helps with this. I’m such a visual person when it comes to learning and doing research, sometimes sitting in front of a computer for hours doesn’t really cut it for me either!
Taking a visual look at all of the trends going on overseas is definitely and interesting and exciting experience.
I hope you all enjoyed this article. If you feel there are any other ways travelling can benefit photographers, feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Thanks for reading x